Tickets (£3) for this event will go on sale on Wednesday 02/02/11, from 6 to 7 pm in the ISC lounge.
What is the link between the following items: Delicious chocolate, chunky cheese, expensive watches and maybe a confidential bank account? Yes, you guessed it! Swiss night is here with plenty to offer from the home of Emmental.
As per usual, we will have dishes (mostly desserts) from Switzerland including a cheese fondue, Appenzeller Biberli (first image), Engadiner Nusstorte and Schoggichueche (second image). You may not know how to pronounce these, but we can guarantee your taste buds will be thrilled to make their acquaintance! Along with the splendid food, we will have a cultural quiz about Switzerland followed by either one of these films: Achtung Fertig Charlie or Vitus.
Come on down to the ISC on Monday 7th February 2011 at 8pm for a night of cheese and chocolate!
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